

Knjiga gostov

S fantom sva si sprva izbrala prikolico v baldarinu,pa je bilo vse zasedeno. Prosto mesto sva dobila le v Biarju. Kako dobra steca v nesreci. Kamp je prekrasen,majhen je,obcutek domacnosti srecas na vsakem koraku. Osebje zelo prijazno,sanitarije in celoten prostor zelo cist. Odlicna popestritev je tudi bar,z izjemnim osebjem. Blizina Osorja in sprehajslna pot,ki pelje v mesto,pa sta dodani vrednosti kampa Biar. September je sploh prekrasen mesec za morje,manj ljudi,vreme super. Res prekrasno dozivetje in komaj cakava,da se vrneva. To je kamp z duso,v katerega se je preprosto zaljubiti.

dusi kumer, slovenija, 29.10.2015.

As every year, this year also, Bijar improved it's quality. Camp itself is very beautiful, it also has the most beautiful surrounding, It's employees are friendly, they take a good care of camp, everything is good organized and clean, each year there are more and more activities for guests, but again not too much - and camp is stil one of the most quiet and calm ones. Super ! All praises to members of staff ! Thank you ! My reccomend: I really can't understand guests, who have no idea how instantly they can start a fire and what that means. I suggest that everyone that comes to camp, gets a real accurate and specifyed list of everything - what he can NOT do. 

Meta Jurečič, Slovenia, 1.10.2012.

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